Category: Selenium WebDriver
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WebDriver Wait- A robust way to maintain Synchronization
February 20, 2018
Synchronization is one of the most important operations that every automation engineers have to perform. Synchronization helps to stabilize your entire test automation framework. There are lots of technologies …

Powerful techniques to handle exception in Selenium with Java
February 19, 2018
Many people utter how to handle the exception in Selenium! But one thing I would like to clear very straightforward that Selenium itself never handles Exception, Rather, It is …

List of 20 major Exceptions in Selenium WebDriver?
February 17, 2018
An exception is a much-known word in the programming world, it doesn’t matter you are writing codes in which language. Exceptions are like the villain for programmers, but it …

getWindowHandle- Handle multiples windows in Selenium
February 15, 2018
In the previous post, we discussed different types of alerts. We also learned the commands to handle alerts when they pop up. Now today we are going to discuss …

Handling different types of Alerts in Selenium WebDriver
February 14, 2018
Today we will discuss different types of alerts that we get on performing different activities on a web application. Selenium has separate provision to handle such alerts. Firstly, we …

Disable Developer Mode Extensions Warning using Selenium
February 13, 2018
After Chrome’s new update, we are getting an extension warning pop-up, called Disable Developer Mode Extensions. This pop-up warning message is not like general pop-up which we can handle …

How to select options from dropdown in Selenium WebDriver?
February 2, 2018
Hola Learners, Hope you are doing well with your Selenium learning. Today we are going to discuss handling dropdown in Selenium WebDriver using Select class. The dropdown is just …

Action Class in Selenium: Drag and Drop operations in WebDriver
February 1, 2018
A website has the functionality to drag and drop objects from one set of the basket to another one. So to perform such drag and drop operations in Selenium …

Robot class in Selenium WebDriver handles Human Interventions
January 28, 2018
Keyboard and Mouse activities are a physical activity where human intervention is required. Until now we discussed automation of various scenarios but those were related to virtual programs only, …

How to handle radio and checkbox button in Selenium WebDriver?
August 26, 2017
HTML has the various input type in the form of buttons. As for example, Radio and Checkbox button, Submit button, Reset button, etc. Today we are going to discuss …