Category: Selenium WebDriver
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Capture Screenshot: How Selenium WebDriver Takes Screenshot?
August 19, 2018
Once upon a time, I was a manual functional tester. So, I had to keep proof of all the testing activities in the form of screenshots. Functional testing was …

Handling Calendar in Selenium: Learn different types of Calendar
August 18, 2018
I personally feel that every automation engineer should be aware of the basic development hooks of the functionality. Today we are going to discuss handling calendar in Selenium WebDriver. …

What is iFrame and How to handle iFrame in Selenium?
August 12, 2018
Earlier we discussed Handling multiple windows in Selenium WebDriver. Therefore, the technique to handle iFrame in Selenium is the same as that. It is observed that automation engineer primarily …

JavascriptExecutor powers up Selenium to handle scenarios
March 24, 2018
Selenium and JavaScript have the long-term relationship since the Selenium evolved. The earlier version of Selenium (i.e., Selenium 1) was fully based on JavaScript and Selenese. Even in advanced …

How to click on (X, Y) coordinates using JavascriptExecutor in Selenium?
March 23, 2018
Many a time, we face an issue and we get an error message similar as- “Element is not clickable at point (X, Y)” So to solve such issues we …

How to send texts and get texts using JavascriptExecutor?
March 22, 2018
Recently, I got to know two situations which were faced by two of my colleagues. One colleague was facing difficulty to send texts to the text area in Mozilla …

Handle checkbox and radio button using JavascriptExecutor
March 21, 2018
We have already discussed the technique to handle checkbox and radio button in Selenium WebDriver. The technique which we have discussed earlier is simple and default one. As we …

How to highlight elements using JavascriptExecutor in Selenium?
March 20, 2018
First time I realized to have a mechanism in my Selenium Test cases and the mechanism is to highlight elements while in runtime. This thought came when I was …

How to click using JavascriptExecutor in Selenium?
March 19, 2018
People say, “Old is Gold”. They rightly said this because when all the general commands fail to perform its operation then JavascriptExecutor comes into the picture and clears the …

How JavascriptExecutor helps in scrolling webpage in Selenium?
March 18, 2018
There are some test failure situations which terminates the test execution by sending some Selenium exceptions like NoSuchElementException and ElementNotVisibileException. When we go to the root cause of failure …